Friday, May 14, 2010


I got the most wonderful piece of information from Mom yesterday when I asked her how her back was feeling. Her answer? "It doesn't hurt anymore. There's no pain AT ALL." I can't tell you how happy I was to hear her say that. When Lyla and I visited last month, her pain was obvious and it hurt me to watch her struggle to move, etc. I am looking forward to our next visit later this month because I just know she will be able to enjoy our company so much more. 
We thank the Lord for continuing to work in Mom and Dad's life and for the healing we have already seen. With HIS help, we know Mom is going to get stronger and stronger and her quality of life will improve.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mom is out of Surgery

I just talked to Dad--Mom is out of surgery (they were late in starting) but it will take an hour for the cement to set up and before he can go back with her.  They were able to repair all four fractures. The doctor warned Dad that because of the brittle condition of her bones, these probably won't be her last fractures like this. The dr said Mom should be able to do more in a couple of days but will be sore and have low energy at first. 
Thanks so much, as always, for your prayers.

Surgery Today

Mom checks in to the hospital at 10am Friday. Please remember her in prayer this morning. Lift up Daddy, too, as he will be sitting alone in the waiting room. They both find their strength in the Lord and continue to feel the prayers you are sending on their behalf.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pray for Mom's Anxiety

Mom is very nervous and anxious today as she anticipates her surgery tomorrow. Please lift her up in prayer today. Pray that God will give her peace and calm her nerves.

Thank you so much.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kyphoplasty this Friday

This is an email from my dad:

Saw Dr. Michael Schaufele of Emory University this morning.  The MRI showed two compression fractures (L1 and  L4) and two beginning compression fractures (T12 and L2).  The procedure called Kyphoplasty will be performed at 9:30 this Friday for the L1 and L4.  If she is doing OK then they will perform procedure Vertebroplasty on the other two.  If she is not doing well enough then at a later date she will have to go back for the other two.  I hope all can be done at the same time.  She will be able to come home Friday afternoon.  The Kyphoplasty uses baloons to put in the cement.  That expands the vertebrae more.  The Vertebroplasty does not use balloons.

Kyphoplasty is what was done while she was in Kentucky last November. You can read more about both procedures here.

Another Compression Fracture

Mom's MRI last Thursday showed another compression fracture...this time it is the 4th lumbar vertebrae. She also has some swelling. She is meeting with an orthopedic surgeon this morning to discuss what the next step will be.