Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas at Mom & Dad's house this year. Mom seemed to feel better and she looked a lot better than she did when they left Kentucky last month. The picture below is taken in the new sunroom Mom & Dad had added to the house. just in time for Christmas...literally. The painters and carpet-installers were there while we were driving down Wednesday. It is beautiful and was the perfect place to eat our big meal, open gifts or just hang out together. It also kind of became a playroom for Lyla while we were there!

back: Seth, Lyla, Ashley, Kendall (holding Zoe), Alison Joy, Jesse, Jessica, Justin, Jared, Alison, Andrea, Ken
front: Dad & Mom

I will be posting more pictures later this week at: The Martin Messenger

Monday, December 21, 2009

No Change in Mom's MRI

Mom received good news the day after her MRI. The doctor so no change since the last one which was done this summer. She will see that doctor again in January. She also saw Dr. Lava, her neurologist, who feels like she is doing pretty well. She continues to have various therapists come to the house and seems to be getting up and down more easily on her own. She tripped going into Steak & Shake last week but THANKFULLY was no injured AT ALL. We are extremely glad about that. Her back pain seems to improve with some ibuprofen which makes me think it's muscular and not related to the compression fracture. She will follow up with an orthopedist soon, though.

We are all looking forward to being together for Christmas this week...Mom is especially excited, of course. Mom & Dad have been busy getting things ready for a full house for a few days.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and God Bless.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

MRI Today

Mom is having an MRI today at 2 pm. Please pray that it looks the same or better than the last one she had which was in June. She will see Dr. Waltuck at 1 pm tomorrow to discuss the results.

Also, a Home Healthcare representative visited yesterday and evaluated Mom's needs. She is suggesting the following for mom: a nurse to come and check her blood and physical & occupational therapy. Mom is also experiencing severe back pain again and struggles to get out of bed. Once she is seated or standing, she seems to be fine but the "sitting up" causes her a lot of pain. So, a hospital bed has been ordered so that she can get up more easily. She begins physical therapy today and will also follow up with a back doctor to make sure the pain is just the kyphoplasty healing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Back in Georgia

Mom & Dad had a smooth trip back home last weekend. Thank you for lifting them up in prayer.

After arriving home, though, Mom seemed to have some trouble finding the leg-strength to get up from a seated position. She had this problem a few times while up here in Kentucky but we always seemed to do it together. On Sunday afternoon my sister, Andrea, was able to work with Dad in getting her up but Sunday evening, she slid down to the floor of their bedroom and Dad had to call 911 to get some help with her. Three fireman came and helped her back into the bed. Needless to say we were more than a little concerned with this drastic drop in her strength.

Andrea & Dad took Mom to her appointment with Dr. Waltuck Monday afternoon. After reviewing all of the events of the past month and taking into consideration the rough weekend she had, he decided to keep her medication as it is for another two weeks. At that point, he wants to do another MRI & see her again. He believes that the fall, the surgery, the bleeding ulcer, her having been away from home, etc, could be part of her problem. He wants to see how she does once all the other stuff is out of her system and now that she is home.

Unless something changes, I will post again with her MRI results and the doctor's thoughts in two weeks.

God Bless.

p.s. I have to share a side story from today. Today Lyla told me her back was hurting and said she needed me to put a patch on it. She knew her Mimi wore a patch because her back hurt. She doesn't miss anything.