Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Muscle Pain

Mom's hip began to hurt toward the end of last week. She was trying to treat it with pain medication but that wasn't cutting it. By the weekend, she was having trouble getting up and down. The home health nurse came over the weekend and noticed some knots in the area. She massaged the knots which seemed to relieve the pain, but only temporarily.
Monday, the pain wasn't only in her hip but also in her back and it got so bad that Dad took Mom to the ER yesterday. After a long wait to see a doctor, they did x-rays of her lower back and hip. The x-rays didn't show anything and they think it's just muscle spasms. Dad will get percocet and a muscle relaxer for her today.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Doing well

Mom is doing really well. She has an oxygen machine at home that she is only supposed to use at night. Also, she has an appointment with a pulmonary specialist that can hopefully get to the bottom of all this--they still don't know what last week's "episode" was or what caused it. Dad says Mom is a little slow-moving (compared to before last Wednesday) but we are very thankful that this does not appear to have set Mom back mentally.

Will post later in the week about Thursday's appointment.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mom is going home today

Mom is being released today. They couldn't find anything wrong with her and are puzzled over what happened the the dr's waiting room. She sounds great, like nothing happened and was walking around fine yesterday. The doctor did increase her steroids back up to 15 mg just as a precaution. He still doesn't think last week's decrease to 10 mg is to blame but thought it was wise not to take any chances.

Thanks so much for your prayers. Dad said yesterday that he knows the prayers are working. He couldn't get over the drastic difference in Mom.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Low Oxygen Levels

Mom is back in the hospital today, she checked in yesterday evening. When she woke up yesterday, Dad said her legs just weren't strong and weren't working right. She was very shaky and weak. He called her dr but he wasn't available. The nurse told Dad to bring Mom on in. While she was in the waiting room she had a seizure-like episode but they don't think it was a seizure. They think it was due to low levels of oxygen--the doctor does not think it has anything to do with her recent reduction in steroid dosage. In fact, the hospital neurologist doesn't think it has to do with her brain at all. They ran several tests yesterday and did a ct scan last night but we haven't gotten the results yet. Mentally, Mom is doing well. I spoke to her this morning and she was in good spirits and said all the nurses were very nice and taking good care of her. I don't know when we can expect to hear from the doctor or anything. I would just appreciate your prayers.